On the good side, my procrastination and coffee drinking left me in the path of the delightful andrea eckersley and the ever charming [except when particularly surly] dell stewart.
I have been reading, in a sporadic fashion, Simone de Beauvoir's and memoirs of a dutiful daughter George Perec's Life; a user's manual. There's nothing like books by clever french people to make you feel inadequate; simone de beauvoir is always studying and achieving, it is a similar feeling i get when reading A. S. Byatt's books; full of people that read poetry understanding all the classical allusions and get an intense visceral pleasure from it, rather than a sense of their own dull-wittedness.
I feel somewhat the same about art; i really should be having more interesting ideas, and with the ideas that i have there should be a more rigorous interrogation and research process, i never feel like i know anything. When i think about grant proposals, i have no idea of anything that i could put forward for them. I wonder how those other people got so clever.