Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Friday, February 09, 2007
electric lazyland
really not getting back in to the swing of making things, meanwhile my evil rivals and other competitors continue to laser-cut their way into the cheap trinket market. must use my cunning and make better stuff. new stuff. stuff.
got my camera fixed. expect new pictures soon. woo.
got some ebony to make fancy things with.
back to work.
got my camera fixed. expect new pictures soon. woo.
got some ebony to make fancy things with.
back to work.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
- procrastination
- 1548, from L. procrastinationem "a putting off," noun of action from procrastinare "put off till tomorrow," from pro- "forward" + crastinus "belonging to tomorrow," from cras "tomorrow," of unknown origin. Procrastinate is recorded from 1588